The Inhumans

September 22, 2017 Leave a comment

I enjoy watching the progress of The Agents Of Shield tv show – It’s gotten better as it goes and its great to see something that is longer then just a quick movie… So it is cool to find out that The Inhumans series will start off being shown in Imax theaters and then continue the story on tv. I’m looking forward to see the story and characters unfold – Coming in a week!!



The Punisher And MORE! =)

September 5, 2017 Leave a comment

I love seeing the Marvel Universe coming to life — It was cool seeing the Defenders – the story was ok… not the best… The comics are always way better then the movies and shoes sadly, but either way I just love seeing the stories being brought to a bigger awareness and being able to watch them rather than read. It won’t be long till the Inhumans and Agents of Shield kick off, with The Punisher coming sometime in the next few months… but also coming sometime in the next year is: The Runaways, Cloak and Dagger, New Warriors, along with the shows that will continue from past seasons. Also one new show that is not based off comics but has characters from the comics — The Gifted. Looks pretty good and comes out Oct 2. 

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Happy Labor Day

September 4, 2017 Leave a comment


Fish Killings

The other day one of my fish had died… I wasn’t sure why and it didn’t seem to be a reason I could figure it should have. Two days passed and I went to feed my fish – my 6 female betta fish were no where to be found in the tank…. And then I began to find them… each one was either dead or close to dead. I had seen them the night before and they were fine. They all were in a big tank with a community of other fish… All the other fish were fine! Which is odd because if it was because they were sick the other fish would be sick too, and betta fish are tough – So if any fish were to die it would be the other fish. Or the Betta fish would be killing other fish… but no? Only all my bettas in the tank were dead…. And so odd that it was all over one night!

The next morning I woke to find 5 of my other fish dead, and then later that day 2 more fish…. I was totally confused as to how and why this was happening… Also I have 2 tanks connected my a water bridge – so my fear was what if the other fish began to die too….. ??! I discovered that the cause of the deaths was my plecos had swam from one tank to the other and then I assume were hungry and so were sucking on the other fish for their yummy slimy coats – causing damage to the fish, thus the fish would go into shock and die. So sad!! I lost a ton of fish over just a couple of nights!! On the upside…. 2 more of my fish had small fry that weekend. =)

Do not copy or use any of the images or text here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2017 Howard Hill. All Rights Reserved


A Fish Story

This is about how I accidentally found myself with a bunch of fish/ pets.

Where I live there are a bunch of these large containers that can store 250 gallons of water – they were cut and to be used for an aquaponics system – But instead just caught rain water and have been a huge breeding grown for mosquitoes. TONS OF THEM! So recently I decided to buy some fish and toss them in the water to eat all the mosquitoes. I bought 5 goldfish, tossed them in but they didn’t even put a dent in the bug population. So I bought 10 more and then saw that guppies were 10 for a buck – so I bought some of them too — Not knowing that the goldfish would eat the guppies… Leaving me to keep them separated and in the house. I soon realized that the fish were having problems breathing…. and I needed an air pump- So at midnight I made a run to the store and got a pump… which led me to decide to keep them in my room a little while before adding them to the containers outside… The next thing you know I saw that one of the fish was sick – and so I spent the weekend trying to save it…. one thing kinda lead to another… I noticed that 2 of my fish were pregnant and so the next thing you know I bought a filter, and something to keep the fish separated in the house. Leading me to watch all kinds of videos about the fish, aquaponics systems, underwater plants, floating plants, and more…  One video lead to another and I was hooked!

It’s been a couple months and I created 2 aquaponics systems with pipes and pumps- etc. … have had 4 batches of fry (fish babies), have over 25 different types of underwater plants, spent more than 1000 bucks on these projects, have over 250 gallons of water growing plants, fish, other creatures, and last I counted I had over 70 fish = hahahaha… and have a few pregnant fish right now! — And all I originally was going to do was buy some gold fish and just toss them in the water…. LOL. I guess it is kinda ironic… in this fish story… I guess I seemed to be the one that got hooked.

Do not copy or use any of the images or text here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2017 Howard Hill. All Rights Reserved


Serena Ryder “For You”

I love this mood – It’s the style and sexiness that makes me want to shoot boudoir photography…. has mood, emotion, glamor, that dark lit lighting, maybe smokey room, or candles – with that old classic feel…



Gumoil Printing Process

I’m not sure really how I ended up looking at a few videos online about art and photography… but I ran into this process called Gumoil Printing – And I love the look of it! It kinda reminds me of the way I was editing some of my Nudes in Nature Series and also some of the way my Skypetography looks. I also had wanted to do some Cyanotype prints for the Skyped book – as a surprise twist– something unexpected in the book. I had created some but have waited to share them for the book. I ran into some problems with the cyanotype paper not clearing to a clear white… the negatives seemed to let too much light in or were not dark enough… So I had put them on hold for a while… but I am not interested curious how this process might work with my regular shoots and also as an alternative process for the skypetography.

Here is a link to a wonderful site about Gumoil printing.

Do not copy or use any of the images or text here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2017 Howard Hill. All Rights Reserved

And Then…..

So I have been doing all these things with my fish and plants and building these aquaponic systems — And I decided that I felt that I had pretty much set everything up the way that I wanted too…. and so I thought I was finished with these projects… I would slow down on buying any more fish or plants and just enjoy them… Besides they had taken up SO much time, money and energy!! I enjoyed it, but how far was I going to go with this project that just kinda accidentally took on a life of it’s own. All I needed to do was go to the store and buy JUST one thing of Fish food!! — And WHAM! Petco is having their sale on tanks!!! I was just using tubs – because they were cheap and I never planned on having fish… but I’m always a lil worried about them busting open and pouring 30 gallons of water across my floor…. So just when I thought it was about to come to an end….

I bought some tanks, and now have to transport all my fish, underwater plants and everything to them! I also bought a bunch of shelves to fit them on — because the fish and photography studio area are competing for the limited space I have…. and if I buy more tanks then I will not be able to shoot in the house… =/ I was not really sure if I am ready to quit shooting inside or…. ??? But with the shelves I bought/ had to build, paint and design to fit the room – I once again have dived into a new project of, more fish, driftwood, lighting, water set ups, soils, and planting – but it has been great! I love the new set up! Pics to come!


Quick Self Portrait

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2017 Howard Hill. All Rights Reserved


New Phone

I finally got a new phone – My old phone had worked so well for so long! It had been dropped with no cover MANY times, at work it fell into a bucket of water and nothing really happened to it- LOL. So I held on to it for a long time! But it was just that time! =)

Do not copy or use any of the images or text here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2017 Howard Hill. All Rights Reserved